

A new initiative finds a new life for unused electronic appliances and devices for social organisations and educational centres.

Jaume Vidal

Since Health Action International (HAI) was founded over 40 years ago,  the role of civil society in Global Health has dramatically...

Cèlia Mallafré

We move around towns and cities either on foot, on a bike, using public transport or our cars, and in many other ways, and yet we do so...


"We have to have the ability to overcome the taboos that have long led us to believe that feeling bad was bad and should be hidden."

Rafael Ruiz de Gauna.

The social economy is part of the country's roots and identity and constitutes an enormous heritage of society that needs to be promoted...

Pablo Fernández Gómez

A good example of this real and full participation that we defend is inclusive volunteering, a system in which the person with an...

Rebel·lió o Extinció Barcelona

Our function is not to educate, but to achieve spaces of freedom and citizen agency to govern ourselves in a real way. For this we point out...