
Josep Artigas is living in Senegal since 1977 providing education to children and teenagers.

The Piarist father considers that cooperation organizations should monitor closely the projects implemented on the ground to ensure “they are in place for more than just 3 or 4 years”.


Manuel Sobejano is a social integrator and a social educator. He has a master’s degree in emergency intervention studies as well as in catastrophic and international cooperation. Recently, he has arrived from Honduras after working on a childhood malnutrition project.

Gemma Pinyol explains that "the right to seek asylum and maritime rescue are being violated"

The growing number of minors and youths that migrate alone has pushed the protection system to the brink of collapsing.

Riet Vell received more volunteers during summer, but any time of the year is good

Today we talk with Sofia Rivaes, the coordinator for volunteering at the Riet Vell nature reserve by the delta of the Ebro river, managed by the organization SEO Birdlife.

Share Festival is the first festival offering the audience the possibility to earn tickets for the festival through solidarity actions.

The pop-rock and urban music festival collaborates with more than 20 NGOs and aims to carry out up to 15,000 solidarity actions.

Monica Benicio was Marielle Franco’s partner until the day she was murdered.

We talk to the partner of Marielle Franco, a sociologist, feminist, human rights activist and a person committed to the Afro and LGBTI movements in Brazil, who was murdered on 14th March 2018.

Image of Damián Gallardo

Gallardo is an “Ayuuk” native from Oaxaca, as well as an activist, human rights defender, and promoter of a community education model. He was invited by the Taula per Mèxic to come to Barcelona and denounce the human rights violations that are taking place in his country.

Safia is the promoter of the campaigns #TeCedoMiVoto and #VotarEsUnDerecho

The promoter of the campaign #TeCedoMiVoto and #VotarEsUnDerecho denounces the operation of the Spanish bureaucracy and continues to claim the right to vote in the municipal and European elections taking place on May 26.

Pilar Polo, the person in charge of institutional relations in the Vicki Bernadet Foundation.

The person in charge of institutional relations at the Vicki Bernadet Foundation says she has provided counselling to around thirty children since the start of the year.

Núria Gràcia is the founder of JAD

Founder of JAD, an organization that supports youth, teenagers and women development by creating real opportunities and facilities for their economic and personal independence.

Xavier Tudela is General Secretary of FIEC.

The Deputy Secretary General of the International Federation of Catalan Entities (FIEC) explains the dissemination activity that his organization makes to the world of values and catalan culture.


The Serbian-Croatian border is a hotspot for migration movements today. This journalist works there as a volunteers, helping people in search of a safe life.

