
E20 Activity.

The YMCA received the award at the 5th National Forum of the European Social Fund for its programme “You can make it through Secondary Education” which has been renamed “recalculating route”.

Athens will held the 5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2024) .

The Greek city of Athens, in an effort to foster collaboration and innovation in the realm of environmental design and health, is the organizer of the 5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2024),  extending a cordial invitation to researchers, scholars, and practitioners worldwide.

One of the most common uses of AI in administration are automated decision-making systems.

Knowing the reality about the implementation of AI algorithms and software in the public sphere can be useful for entities.


This report is part of the "Territories in Transition" initiative of the Third Sector Platform of Catalonia, which wants to publicize the social agenda and the third sector in other places in the world. 

There are many different types and areas, for all ages and educational contexts.

These are projects where students of all ages participate in community service activities carried out by organizations.

Understand that all people have legitimate needs.

The culture of peace is committed to a comprehensive and transversal approach to violence while considering conflict an inevitable part of every society.

The orchards contribute to the sustainability of the organization and the promotion of team cooperation.

It will be about defining things like the space, the garden models, the type of irrigation, the organization of the equipment and the forms of fertilization.

Interested people can participate mainly as volunteers or by starting local solidarity projects.

It is a program to promote volunteering and solidarity among European youth through funding to cooperation organizations.

Kolam has been working in India for the past 10 years looking for solutions that can improve the lives of the people living there.

Agriculture projects are a key element in improving the living conditions of people living in rural India.

Manila, Philippines

L'Associació Catalana per la Pau, together with International Action for Peace, launches a portal to denounce human rights violations in the Philippines.

The report has thoroughly analyzed over 180,000 shipment records of animals during a 19-month period.

'A data dump of suffering: the EU's long-distance trade in farm animals exposed' denounces the loophole of European regulation exceptions and the tragic reality of prolonged journeys of farm animals.

The European migration pact that questions the right to asylum and undermines human rights

Entities defending the rights of migrants and refugees criticize an agreement that strengthens border control and toughens reception conditions.

