
A circular concert to launch the campaign 'Palestine Beats'

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    'Palestine Beats' aims to give the voice to the Palestinian people and make them present in Catalonia.
    'Palestine Beats' aims to give the voice to the Palestinian people and make them present in Catalonia.
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    The concert organizers have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Verkami.
    The concert organizers have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Verkami.

The Catalan Association for Peace wants to bring Palestine closer to Catalan citizens through its most popular cultural expressions.

For over seventy years, the Palestinian people has been living a systematic violation of its fundamental rights and freedoms: Israel, despite being a seemingly democratic state, does not comply with the United Nations’ resolutions and constantly breaks international law.

During 2018, the Gaza Strip has seen a strong increase in the conflict. In recent months, more than one hundred Palestinians, including children, have been murdered by the Israeli security forces and 4,100 have been injured along the border. Meanwhile, the attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank are the worst in three years.

The demolition of homes and the forced displacements continue to rise in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. There are around 440 Palestinian men and women locked up in prisons under administrative arrest, including hundreds of minors.

In light of this situation, the Catalan Association for Peace is launching the campaign “Palestine Beats” to give a voice to the Palestinians and make them present in Catalonia, to build bridges of solidarity between the two peoples.

Through music, cinema, circus and poetry, the campaign wants to open up spaces for dialogue and learning, while also act as a loudspeaker for the human rights violations endured by the Palestinian people.

Crowdfunding campaign

To fund the Palestinian musicians’ presence in Catalonia, the concert organizers have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Verkami. If you would like to contribute, you may visit this link.

An aural sound experience

The first of the planned activities for 'Palestine Beats' is a circular concert by the Palestinian group Al-Kamandjati Ensemble and Cordes del Món, with the special collaboration of the singer Ana Rossi and the cellist Marta Roma. The concert will take place on 1 December at the Centre Cultural del Born, in Barcelona.

The idea behind this concert is to carry the audience to the streets and life in Ramallah, Jenin, Jericho or Jerusalem, with a repertoire including: samai, longa, pieces based on Arab and Catalan traditional songs, and many emotional sensorial experiences.

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