
Intergenerational sustainability and justice

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    Same world calls on youths to denounce environmental injustice. Photo:
    Same world calls on youths to denounce environmental injustice. Photo:
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    Youngsters are invited to register environmental injustice cases on the portal Photo: Same World
    Youngsters are invited to register environmental injustice cases on the portal Photo: Same World

The European project Same World aims at getting youths aged 13 to 25 to denounce environmental injustice and to demand intergenerational justice, a concept stemming from environmental sustainability.

Children and youths will be the most affected by the impacts on climate change and, as such, have the right to demand intergenerational environmental justice. Since the respect for future generations is intrinsic to sustainability, the concept of intergenerational justice stems naturally from the former.

Youths are direct witnesses of situations of pollution, the destruction of ecosystems and practices that harm our health; and they have the capacity to explain them. Now they can do this using the Youth4EJ platform and become the spokespersons of their communities and ambassadors of the right to environmental health.

Educating in active citizenship 

Same World is a project launched by 13 European NGOs, and in Catalonia is coordinated by the Associació Asceps, the aim of which is to promote active citizenship actions in youths to face climate change, while also claiming environmental justice. The project was established to raise awareness on environmental justice among students and teachers, and explore the linkages with climate change and environmental migrations. Its main goal is to promote critical thinking, sustainable life styles and active citizenship practices.

In order to make this task easier, Same World (the actual name comes from the initial letters of "sustainability, awareness, mobilization and environment"), organizes training sessions based on a participatory methodology and using life experiences as an approach, while also benefiting from technology. These sessions are taught at schools and in other contexts also.

Reports on the portal Youth4EJ

This June, YouthxEJ made a call to youths to publicly report cases of environmental injustice by registering them with the YouthxEJ Watch. The project aims at encouraging youngsters to take a critical view on events that have harmful consequences for the environment and, consequently, on people.

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