
Measuring the social impact of volunteering

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    Measuring the social impact of volunteering.
    Measuring the social impact of volunteering.
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    The conference will be held on the 23 March in the European Parliament Office in Edinburgh.  Source: Volonteurope
    The conference will be held on the 23 March in the European Parliament Office in Edinburgh. Source: Volonteurope

Volonteurope organises a conference where its Measuring Impact Working Group will present its policy paper outlining the results of a research about the impact of volunteering on the society.

Volunteering can be considered an essential asset of our society. With nearby 1 billion people throughout the world giving up their time for free to support their community, it is vital to measure correctly the social impact of that.

The conference Beyond volunteering: measuring the social impact will be held on the 23 March from 9.30 till 14.30 in the European Parliament Office in Edinburgh. This event is the culmination of a three year campaign carried out by Volonteurope with the support of the Volonteurope Measuring Impact Working Group. 

The campaign has shared best practice and carried out research in order to gather evidence for the value of volunteering and measure its social impact which will help to raise the profile and quality of impact measurement across Europe with the final aim to develop universal indicators.

During the conference The Volonteurope Measuring Impact Working Group will present its policy paper outlining the results of this research. Besides that, some expert speakers will participate on the event where they will discuss their experience and the work that they do within this important field.

If you are interested in attending, you can register.

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