
YMCA receives award at the European Social Fund’s 5th National Forum for its second chance programme

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    E20 Activity.
    E20 Activity. Source: YMCA.

The YMCA received the award at the 5th National Forum of the European Social Fund for its programme “You can make it through Secondary Education” which has been renamed “recalculating route”.

The YMCA received the award at the 5th National Forum of the European Social Fund for its programme “You can make it through Secondary Education”, now rebranded as “recalculating route”. This award falls under the category of Social Innovation and highlights the efforts made by the YMCA in providing a second chance to young people at risk.

The programme “You can make it through Secondary Education” was chosen from more than 50 proposals coming from Spain’s regions, competing under three categories: “Social Inclusion and Fighting Poverty”, “Job Sustainability and Quality” and “Social Innovation”. The forum was held on 7th and 8th March in Cordoba under the slogan “Renewed Momentum”.

The YMCA implemented this programme in 8 regions of Spain to support young students who dropped out of school and help them finish their education or obtain professional qualifications through tailored training programmes. Since the programme was first started in 2019 the results have been noticeable: from 2019 to 2022 it has supported 632 youths, 65% of whom were able to gain professional qualification. After completion, 27% of participants joined formal education and training programmes and 19% found a job.

Currently, the YMCA remains committed to youth through the programme “Recalculating Route”, which offers a second chance to youths aged between 16 and 29 and who did not finish their secondary education but wish to complete their education. The programme offers tools to reach their educational and training goals by boosting their personal and professional development. “Recalculating Route” offers different training pathways that have been designed to adapt the learning process to the individual needs of each youth and to the characteristics of the group as a whole, and aims at transforming the learning process into an enriching and fun experience.

Starting in April in Barcelona, the following pathways will be available:

Professional pathway leading to the Professional Certificate for Auxiliary Trade Activities, where youths gain qualification to work in a sector that is seeing a growing demand for jobs such as shelf replenisher, packaging, labelling or support clerk at stores, supermarkets, and distribution centres. It also opens the door to higher training programmes.

Educational pathway leading to completion of Secondary Education or access to intermediate-level Vocational Training programmes (upon sitting entrance exams), which opens the door to greater employability and higher-level training.

This is a National programme of the ESF+ Youth Employment Initiative CCI 2021ES05SFPR001 co-funded by the European Social Fund Plus. The programme is also implemented in YMCA centres in Malaga, Toledo, Salamanca, and Valencia, besides Barcelona.

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