
'El niu dels Xuklis' is one of the free play and learning spaces created by AFANOC, the organization that has also created the guide for teachers.

What happens at school when a child has cancer? Should this be mentioned in the classroom? How does it affect the class? The association “Nens amb Càncer AFANOC” has drafted a guide that is warmly welcomed by teaching staff.


The day seeks to raise cancer awareness, improve education and catalyse action to prevent millions of deaths from cancer.


Contributing to bring wellbeing to those living with cancer requires constant work.


The only way of curing leukaemia is through cooperative research. With the most exact knowledge on how leukaemia originates and develop we reach more precise treatments.

The UICC claims access to equal cancer treatment for all.

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) leads under the same motto this international campaign that mobilizes thousands of entities from more than 145 countries around the world.


The CEO of FECEC, Clara Rosàs, explains the importance of belonging to the ECL, a supranational entity that unites European anti-cancer organizations under the same objective.

They represent ECL in their home country and with their activities promote the European Code Against Cancer (ECAC).  Source: ECL

Are you a youth leader, passionate about health and willing to make a change in cancer prevention? You can be an ambassador for the European Code Against Cancer.

Girl drinking water in a disco. Image: FCC

The Belgian Foundation against Cancer is promoting an initiative that invites participants to not drink alcohol at all for 28 days.

Danish people participating in the campaign. Image: Youtube

The Danish Cancer Society has launched a funny initiative for a serious issue mentioning five popular holiday destinations and reminding travelers to protect themselves against the sun.

Candela bracelets

Many solidarity initiatives have started in oncology wards, here are a few of them!

Baiba Plume in the middle. Photo: Twitter

She is the Internal Communications and PR Manager for Cancer Research UK charity shops. In this interview, Plume explains the work done in order to fund research in this disease.
