
Solange Traoré, president of the Hakilisigui Federation, explains the project to the Benkade Association, which is dedicated to producing Shea Butter.

The NGO NouSol works on the 'Empowerment from wisdom' project, thanks to the collaboration of the Hakilisigui Federation, to guarantee women their rights and duties.

Cup of color wants to empower people from all around the world living under hopeless circumstances.

Cup of color is a non-profit organization from Switzerland whose goals are bringing hope and beauty by creating an oasis in places for those in desperate circumstances by doing murals with communities.


Empowering persons with disabilities, with the required support, is key to start living and coexisting in the same environments.

Pathways to Rights: Empowering Young Europeans.

This is the title of the Volonteurope’s 26th Annual Conference which will take place in Brussels on 30-31 October. 


In the non-profit sector, where most workers and volunteers are women, there is still a high percentage of men in positions of power. In this situation, do we want to access positions of power or do we want to conquer them?
