
Nearly a thousand migrant people died on the routes to access Spain during the first semester of 2023.

The report 'Monitoring Right to Life', by Walking Borders, confirms the increase in the deadly capacity of migration routes, especially the Canary route, during the first semester of 2023.


The Jesuit Service for Migrants, in its report ‘Where oblivion lives’, points out that rights and guarantees violations in border control operations in the Spanish southern border are linked to obstacles to requesting international protection through legal channels.


Lorraine Leete, defender of the rights of migrants and refugees and coordinator of Legal Center Lasvos, denounces the treatment towards migrants who are abandoned at sea.

Iolanda Maurici, from Unity Against Fascism and Racism.

We talked to one of the members of Unity Against Fascism and Racism regarding the demonstrations for the World Refugee Day and the demands of the entities revolving the campaign #RegularitzacióXTotes.

 Andrés García, coordinator of Irídia.

Several entities throughout Spain, including Irídia, are demanding the permanent closure of the Immigration Detention Centres once the confinement is over, as well as an end to deportations.


It is time to do what it takes, to be relentless in protecting the elderly, the vulnerable, those without a home to stay in, undocumented migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.  


The first asylum seekers that arrived from Syria in 2016 start leaving the reception programme and lead a normal life.

Joc de taula Fronteres Invisibles.

Fronteres Invisibles ("Invisible Borders" in Catalan) is the name of a board game which consists in triggering players' empathy for the migrants and refugees who try to reach Europe.

Access to the Internet may help more vulnerable children to develop their potential and find references.  Source:UNICEF

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund highlights that access to the Internet may help more vulnerable children to develop their potential and find references, while also warning of the risks entailed.


Back in my country I was a feminist and a trade unionist, a political activist. Once I settled  in Catalunya, in the late nineties, I started as a spokesperson of Papers i drets per a Tothom association.


Commonly, misunderstandings start when it comes to defining what a refugee is. Taking into account the definitions made by the UN Refugee Agency, here we try to clarify the different concepts. 
