non-profit organizations

A representation of the Platform of the Third Sector of Catalonia builds bridges with the third social sector of Sweden and Denmark in a new international mission.

From Stockholm to Copenhagen via Malmö and Lund, a representation of the Platform of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia has met the work of federations and entities of the Scandinavian third sector and has presented the work carried out by the entities in Catalonia.

Presentation of 'La Volunteca' at the Espacio Pozas in Madrid.

This initiative is jointly launched by the Fundació Pere Tarrés together with the Spanish Volunteering Platform

Diverse impact of COVID-19 crisis on Employment and Social Developments in Europe.

The European Commission's services have published the 2021 edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review.

A person with a paper bag on his head.

The #PaperBagSociety challenge is part of the campaign #ReclaimYourFace promoted by dozens of European organizations calling on the EU to ban biometric surveillance.


10 are the essential elements a trustee of a foundation should have to help an easy functioning of the organisation.

The single national registry for the third sector will enter into force in April 2021.

Providing tax cuts to donors, creating a National Council and ensuring good relationships with the public bodies are some of the key elements in the legislation.

Human rights defender organisations have a whole range of tools to help associations and activists protect themselves on the Internet.

Human rights defender organisations have a whole range of tools to help associations and activists protect themselves on the Internet and to fight off cyberattacks and cyberstalking.


This shouldn’t be seen as a mere procedural step to meet the obligations set forth in our bylaws and our duties with the public administrations. it is rather an opportunity to reflect on how the organisation is doing, the lessons learnt and to start the new year with new challenges. 

The ‘Alliance for an Equal Treatment Act’ calls Spanish government to approve legislation against all type of discrimination.

This union demands Spanish governments to approve a legislation to fight against all kinds of discrimination.


Nonprofit puts on a new face to be truly user-friendly, differentiate its contents and use a responsive design.

Make a donation to support charitable organizations.  Source: The Blue Diamond Gallery

UK Charities are being invited to take part in this project in which the online shopping brand will donate a percentage of the cost of some purchases.
