‘SDG Striker’ is done through the testing of three pilots in Portugal, Scotland and Norway.

The initiative will last from January 2021 until June 2023, through local actions on energy efficiency and energy poverty, renewable energy and microplastics.

The irruption of the Covid-19 has had a bigger effect on the poorest and most vulnerable people.

The poorest and most vulnerable people have been the most affected by the effects of the pandemic all over the world.

BforPlanet aims to engage business, institutions and organizations to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The conference will be held in Barcelona and will focus on sustainability and the engagement of organizations and the administration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The United Nations considers that current legislation is insufficient and suggests urgent measures to achieve the goals by 2050.  Source: Unsplash

The latest UN report on the environment considers that current legislation is insufficient and suggests urgent measures to achieve the goals by 2050.
