
Keys and tips for collaboration between entities and companies

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It can be a beneficial action for both parties, but the entity must make sure to maintain its independence and always act with principles of transparency.

Traditionally, the  relationship between entities and companies  has been seen as  hostile . The production and operation model of the latter has often aroused the  critical response  of the former, which included in their mission the fight against the system that they usually perpetrate. However, in recent years, there has been a rapprochement between these two very opposite worlds, and while organizations and entities are choosing to take advantage of  the capabilities and resources  of companies, they are beginning to understand that ignoring their demands it's not a possibility.

Collaboration between companies and entities, however, can be difficult, and there are still many entities that refuse to develop it. Below are some  tips to facilitate reaching these agreements and their execution process .

This resource has been drawn up from the  following sources : the document ' Collaboraciones ONG y empresa que transforman la sociedad ', by PWC; the article " Alliances between ONG and companies ", from La Escuelita de ONG; the entry ' How are collaborations between NGOs and companies ', from the Ágora Social blog; and the guide-summary ' Strategic partnerships between NGOs and business ', from the Observatory for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of CSR Europe.

Why collaborate

It is important that before establishing the collaboration both parties are clear about the objectives of the agreement . On the part of the entity, it is most likely that its main reason for promoting the collaboration is to obtain funding . Other possible objectives that the entity can propose are: developing projects together, recruiting volunteers, exchanging experiences, raising awareness and influencing society or the company's own practices, or obtaining free services.

As for the company, the reasons that can lead it to establish a collaboration with an entity can be: to bring social value to its context and get involved in the community, improve its reputation, collaborate in corporate volunteering, carrying out projects where organizations and entities have a lot to contribute or risk management. In all these cases, the entity will have to be careful not to participate involuntarily in washing the face of the company, which is why it is necessary to collect a lot of information and, as indicated below, guarantee and demand transparency.

In addition to all this, collaboration can lead to common benefits , such as the diffusion of values, the improvement of resources, the exchange of capacities, the creation of new networks, the obtaining of information, the improvement of transparency and the achievement of a better knowledge of the economic and social context.

Type of collaboration

Taking into account the objectives and reasons that lead an entity to seek collaboration with a company, different types of links can be established . Maria Acevedo, on the Ágora Social blog , lists the following types of collaboration : corporate philanthropy and sponsorships, corporate volunteering, mutual technical assistance, associating brands to make causes and services visible, social marketing, implementation of social programs and joint development of innovative products of social transformation.  

How to search for collaborations

To find the company that best suits the needs, interests, values ​​and objectives of the entity , it will be necessary to analyze the context of the territory where the collaboration is to be established. At local level, the websites of the town councils have a directory of the different companies and shops in the locality. 

Apart from this, it is also advisable to visit the profiles of the social networks of the companies, especially those of Linkedin . This platform will allow entities that seek to establish collaborations with companies to understand in sufficient detail the functioning of their daily activity, their interests and their values .

It is important that in these searches the possibility of collaborating with medium or small companies is not left out . Generally, when we talk about agreements of this kind, we have in mind large transnational organizations and international companies . However, the more local scope offers possibilities for collaboration that can be very beneficial for entities and small businesses .

Assess the risks

One of the practically guaranteed results of collaboration agreements between entities and companies is the pressure that the former can put on the latter in terms of social or environmental responsibility . At the same time, however, this implies that entities are putting their reputation at risk when dealing with certain companies and organizations.

This is why, at the time of establishing the collaboration, the entity will have to set certain conditions that the company will have to satisfy . Some of these conditions may be: it must be open to making certain changes, it must have a reliable and well-founded business policy, it must respond to certain values...


The guide ' Strategic partnerships between NGOs and business ', from the Observatory for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of CSR Europe, includes some tips to give rise to a successful collaboration between companies and entities which are summarized in continuation

The first step is always getting to know each other . This means not only doing preliminary research on each side, but also establishing conversation and debate about common values ​​and goals, creating mutual understanding and taking time to learn how to work together. In this sense, some bases for frank and empathetic discussion will have to be established , and this is advice applicable both to the first contact and to the other phases of the collaboration. It will therefore be necessary to guarantee constant communication to achieve involvement and transparency.

Formalization is also advisable , since once the link has been established it must be put in writing, drawing up a formal collaboration document agreed by both parties. 

Another primary point is to ensure the support and involvement of all the people involved in the collaboration. This means that both the company and the entity will have to meet with the structural team that will participate and carry out the activities and actions of the agreement. At the end of this meeting, it must be possible to guarantee that everyone is informed and in agreement with the basis of the collaboration. It is also interesting to use this moment to establish feedback systems that ensure constant contact between the people responsible for the project or collaborative action and the team.

In relation to this, it will be necessary to manage communication with external agents , having previously agreed on which communication strategy to follow with the media: create a specific image for the project, combine the two signatures, adopt that of the other party... The 'entity, however, will have to maintain its communicative independence, just as it will do with the formal one.

It is also important that the two parties keep in mind all the financial and personnel resources at their disposal, and that they transmit this to each other, always with a view to transparency. And finally, one last necessary issue is to stay alert . Regular assessment sessions will need to be held , verifying that the collaboration remains truly just that, a collaboration, and that one agent is not overriding the other. In the event of disputes, an action protocol will need to be established and, if necessary, the agreement revised.

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