Newsletter No. 33

Monday, 04 February 2019 - No. 33
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) leads under the same motto this international campaign that mobilizes thousands of entities from more than 145 countries around the world.

Are you a youth leader, passionate about health and willing to make a change in cancer prevention? You can be an ambassador for the European Code Against Cancer.

Talking about Health Us Nepal, NGO from Girona, is talking about the origins of Marc Boix Bruguera. He lives in Nepal, in a place without communications. The speaker in this interview is the treasurer and adoptive father of Marc.

Miloslav Klíma, member of Kosice 2019, talks about the aims and benefits of hosting the European Volunteering Capital 2019.

One of the goals of this meeting, which is set to take place from 12 to 14 April 2019, is to establish an international network of women and organizations.

Gorgi Krlev, co-author and editor of 'Social Innovation: Comparative Perspectives' talks about the book and the necessity of the multi-actor and multi-sector interaction in the field of social innovation.


The CEO of FECEC, Clara Rosàs, explains the importance of belonging to the ECL, a supranational entity that unites European anti-cancer organizations under the same objective.

The only way of curing leukaemia is through cooperative research. With the most exact knowledge on how leukaemia originates and develop we reach more precise treatments.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) have been receiving a lot of attention of educators from different countries and fields, representing a new way of approaching training that is attracting millions of students all over the world. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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