Newsletter No. 77

Thursday, 01 December 2022 - No. 77
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

As the World Cup in Qatar begins, we talk to Amnesty International about the dark side of the sporting event that attracts the attention of half the world.

Evelyn Romero participates and works from a young age in the Salvadoran department of Morazán with the Red Ciudadana de Mujeres de Morazán (RCMM), in the promotion and defense of women's rights and human rights.

Volunteering is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and protecting and developing European values. The context and policies need to reflect and facilitate this.

NGO Nou Sol’s project ‘Em Construeixo’ focuses on the social integration of migrant people in Catalonia, from a feminist, decolonial, and human rights perspective.

The expert is in favor of free and unrestricted access to play, where spontaneity plays a central role.

Interview with the director of the Fundación Mar de Niebla, Héctor Colunga, after his participation in the 1st International Congress of Leisure and Sociocultural Action.


Jackie Mellese (communication manager, Mental Health Europe), highlights the importance of reducing discrimination and stigma associated with mental ill-health.

Today there are 2.3 million Indians living with HIV and Pravin Mutyal, Snehalaya's director, explains us the actual context and the role of his organization to provide dignity to this people. 

The state of Climate Emergency arises because we must act now to prevent the multiple points of no return from being activated. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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