
Go beyond and raise awareness

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The founder of a media that specialises in peace in the world talks about its importance for a positive social change to happen.

Why do we need media that specialise in the nonprofit sector and volunteering?

As the founder of a media that specialises in peace in the world, with the challenge of linking the exercise of journalism professionally and ethically with pacifist activism, I am convinced that “other media with other contents” are not only necessary, but essential for a positive social change to happen. Most conventional media have given in to the whims of the market and its logic, and precisely the market, seen from a merely capitalist perspective, is what is killing this planet. There is an urgent need for media that bring us a different narrative of reality, a true narrative of solidarity and with ways of building new worlds.


Now that Nonprofit is turning one year old, which challenge do you think it has to be our next?

The main challenge of any informational media is that of attracting readers, since they will be the ones spreading the message conveyed by the media. In the case of specialised informative media, the content addressing a certain profile of reader and specific purposes (as is the case of Nonprofit), one of the main challenges is to “go beyond” that internal border. My experience in Corresponsal de Paz during its 7 years of existence is the satisfaction of seeing that an affordable and sensitive content, together with ethical motivation, ends up attracting an array of readers and recipients that are sometimes very different to what you’d consider the “target audience”. When this happens, you realise that the work you’re doing is raising awareness. Congratulations on this first anniversary of Nonprofit!

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