"Punts Liles", or 'Purple spots', are a key tool for creating safe spaces free from gender-based violence in leisure contexts. They were implemented by the Ministry of Equality of Spain, and nowadays are present in almost all social events that take place either in public or private spaces.
Gender-based violence is the manifestation of inequalities rooted in a patriarchal system, perpetuating male privileges through gender socialization, and normalizing attitudes and behaviors of control, dominance, and abuse of power over women. This violence against women, because they are women, manifests in different forms and in various areas, resulting in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering, both in public and private life.
In festive and leisure contexts, where alcohol and other drugs are consumed, women are doubly victimized. The androcentric and sexist perspective associates women's consumption with supposed sexual accessibility, thus favoring greater impunity for violating our bodies.
Sexual violence in leisure spaces, such as sexualized looks, sexual comments, non-consensual touching, invasion of space, harassment, and even rape, are invisible and normalized by cultural and social factors. They are often perceived as acceptable and justified behaviors in a festive context, blaming the woman who faces this violence and perpetuating the impunity of the aggressor.
Therefore, it is necessary to implement preventive measures that identify these gender-based violences and promote free and safe spaces for women, young people, and girls. The presence of Punts Liles ("purple spots") in leisure and festive spaces is one of the measures that emerged a few years ago and clearly has an educational and awareness-raising function for citizens. Additionally, Punts Liles are a space for support and accompaniment in cases of gender-based and LGBTI-phobic assaults, offering a safe and trustworthy space for those in need.
Having a Punt Lila at a party or event sends a clear message: society rejects any type of aggression and advocates for safe and free spaces for everyone. Their presence raises awareness of social rejection, having a direct effect on the eradication of gender-based violence. They empower women and young people to report, offering immediate support in emergency situations, but also to share lived experiences through active listening and non-judgment. The existence of the Punt Lila reduces the sense of impunity that often surrounds aggressors, creating an environment where women or non-heteronormative people feel supported and accompanied.
Therefore, we advocate for the professionalization of Punts Liles, with agents trained in feminism and addressing gender-based and LGBTI-phobic violence. This ensures that intervention is appropriate, avoiding victim-blaming and re-victimization of those who report or describe a situation they have experienced. Likewise, through educational dynamics and promoting the participation of everyone who approaches the Punt Lila, to become agents of change and denounce situations of violence, contributing to creating a more just and equal society.
It should be emphasized that the implementation of a Punt Lila requires close coordination with all agents present at the party or event to ensure that the service is developed with safety, effectiveness, and quality. It is essential to collaborate with security and emergency bodies to ensure respectful and victim-centered intervention in cases of assault. Furthermore, the organizers and collaborators of the event (municipalities, entities, bar staff, etc.) must work together with the Punt Lila teams to create a safe environment, anticipate and identify potential risk situations.
On the other hand, these spaces provide immediate support, but their intervention is punctual and limited to the moment and context of the party, making it essential to have a network of resources to ensure continuity of care. Therefore, it is crucial to have updated information on local and regional resources for women and the LGBTI community. Knowing the protocols and resources of the territory ensures that the Punt Lila's intervention is coherent, effective, and aligned with the detected needs.
Punts Liles are a fundamental tool in the fight against gender-based violence in festive and leisure environments, advocating for them as habitable and safe spaces for women and other non-heteronormative groups. However, it must be remembered that gender-based violence, and specifically sexual assaults, also occur in other areas of our lives, often remaining invisible or normalized. To address and eradicate sexism, we must go to the root: identify and dismantle patriarchal power structures, breaking with the dominant masculinity model and gender socialization that permeates all areas of society. Only then can we ensure that public space is truly safe for women and that everyone can enjoy it in complete freedom.
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