
Roger Buch explains that volunteering has a lot of positive societal effects because of how it impacts its beneficiaries’ well-being. This means that the situation of children, aged people or even rivers and forests that benefit from volunteering clearly improves.

Opinion main page

A website to support volunteering organizations, launched and funded by the Catalan Government, and managed by the organizations themselves.

Be a volunteer - Font:

Verso is a European research and development project whose aim is to explain how volunteering can help European authorities in fighting unemployment and improving the quality of life of jobless people.

Font: Punt de Referència.

To support formerly supervised youngsters during their emancipation process is one of the tasks done by the Association Punt de Referència.

Assembly Pl. Catalunya - Barcelona

According to a report by the IGOP (Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques), solidarian and civic answers help to tackle the crisis. The report identifies more than 500 initiatives on social innovation.


Carles Armengol explains us how the current crisis can be a good opportunity to rethink the Catalan model of volunteering.

