Environmental volunteering

The Climate Summits are annual meetings organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

The youth organization YOUNGO, which brings together youth organizations fighting the climate emergency, has presented the Global Youth Declaration for Climate Justice in Dubai.


"Every day we lose around 150 species. It is easy to become alienated when the problem emerges thousands of kilometers away, but it also affects us close to home and, ultimately, we are talking about the same planet. We are all complicit"

Six international volunteers from the newly formed ‘Green Team’ took part in the meeting.

The second meeting of PlayGreen's project took place in Tallinn to move forward with the aim to lower the environmental impact of sports competitions and make them more sustainable.

Riet Vell received more volunteers during summer, but any time of the year is good

Today we talk with Sofia Rivaes, the coordinator for volunteering at the Riet Vell nature reserve by the delta of the Ebro river, managed by the organization SEO Birdlife.

The project's kick-off meeting took place in Malta on 27-28 of March 2019

It aims to generate volunteering opportunities for young people focused on sport and the environment through the development of a pioneering format.

In Ireland and the Aran Islands, farmers are committed with the nature conservation.  Source: ELCN

ELCN is a European network aiming to expand nature conservation beyond the protection done by administrations and engaging citizens and private groups in conservation activities.

Maddy Bartlett, Savita Custead with Matt Postles / Photo: BNHC

The Festival of Nature is the UK’s largest free celebration of the natural world. We talked about it with Maddy Bartlett, Programmes Officer at the Bristol Natural History Consortium.


Juanjo Butrón explains us which are the challenges of the environmental volunteering, crucial to the environmental conservation.
