Human rights

David Forniès, head of Knowledge at CIEMEN. Photo: CIEMEN

CIEMEN works to raise awareness and promote the Catalan national reality in the world, to spread knowledge about stateless peoples and also to defend their rights.

Mum feeding his baby. Photo: Save the Children

The "Underprivileged" report examines five key areas in which it noted inequalities in the development of children: work, social security, housing, education and health.

Donald Trump, President of the US. Photo: Michael Vardon, Flickr

The organisation protecting human rights claims that Trump’s decisions, which judge people according to their religion, promote a rhetoric of hate.

Bikes. Photo: Wikipedia

The Bike Project reuses second-hand bikes, repairs them and gives them to people who are fleeing their countries of origin. Every year, 13,500 asylum seekers arrive in the British capital. 27,500 bikes are abandoned during the same time period.

Article platform. Image: mimics the look of Airbnb and offers sleeping over soiled mattresses or plush canal side terraces to attract funds. 

Sergei Stroitelev. Photo: Facebook

The Russian photographer has won the 20th International Prize for Humanitarian Photography Luis Valtueña, organized every year by Doctors of the World. The winning project shows how terminally ill children try to survive every day in a hospice in Saint Petersburg.

Cold wave. Photo: Twitter

Harsh weather conditions make it unsustainable for hundreds of asylum seekers living in camps.  

Golfo Azzurro sailed on 24 December / Photo: Oriol CanalsGolfo Azzurro

The Catalan NGO, on a new and larger vessel than Astral, plans to rescue 35,000 people in the Mediterranean this winter, a figure that is similar to last year’s.

Supporters of the campaign

The campaign “Casa nostra, casa vostra” (Our home is your home) aims at encouraging Catalan institutions to take action in light of the migration crisis.

Jesús Carrión, an activist from RETS and the coordinator of the Col·lectiu Ronda / Photograph: Suport Associatiu

Jesús Carrión, an activist from RETS and the coordinator of the Col·lectiu Ronda, defends the need to establish international treaties that force corporations to respect these rights.

Girl / Photograph: Lance Shields, Flickr

Over half of them have been forced from their homes by conflicts and threats. The report recalls that a large number of children are seeking a better quality of life and improved social and economic conditions out of their homes.

The Petra Camp, where Anna and the team from DSR were providing basic dental care / Photograph: DSR

Olga Margalef was in Lesvos when scores of refugees were arriving. Anna Sorio visited Petra, after the makeshift camps were being dismantled and the official military camps set up. What has changed?

