
The study by three organizations working on the ground highlights bureaucratic repression and the systematic violation of migrants' rights in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.

The study by three organizations working on the ground highlights bureaucratic repression and the systematic violation of migrants' rights in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.

The new European plan deepens the outsourcing of borders, detention, and the criminalization of migrants.

The Catalan Commission for Refugee Assistance rejects the plan announced by the President of the European Commission to curb the migration crisis and demands addressing the situation 'with a humanitarian and protective approach.

The Spanish government has applauded the police action and described the situation as "well resolved".

Several voices from human rights groups condemn the killing at the Melilla fence, where about 40 people have died, and demand responsibility and reparation for the victims.

The number of refugees in the world continues to rise.

The Spanish Commission for Refugees (CEAR) has presented the nineteenth annual report 'Refugees in Spain and Europe'.


As the UNHCR Global Trends report marks another sad record with 82,4 million refugees and internally displaced, the European contribution to ensure protection remains disproportionately modest. 

Médecins Sans Frontières, at Cox's Bazar camp.

We talk about the plight of the Burmese minority with the MSF coordinator in Bangladesh, where nearly a million people are taking refuge.

Abdou Sissoko managed to cross the Mediterranean and reached Malaga.

We talks with Abdou, a malian who managed to cross the Mediterranean and reached Malaga.
