
Elena Velasco, marketing and communication manager in Specialisterne. Photo: Specialisterne

Specialisterne is a company with a social purpose that collaborates with third sector entities to work with talented people with ASD.

Manon Levrey, first European Solidarity Corps volunteer.

The IVY's (Interreg Volunteer Youth) first volunteer explains her experience as an Interreg Reporter. 

Xavier Costa on the right side. Photo: Vols

The NGO Vols is a volunteering association for cooperation and solidarity with children and youth in developing countries. Their working scope is mainly education.

David Franquesa

Electronic Reuse emerged to promote the circular economy. Through this digital community many electronic devices can be repaired to extend their useful life.

Pascale Coissard, the spokesperson of the Catalan Refugee Aid Commission - Photo: CCAR

The spokesperson of the Catalan Refugee Aid Commission, Pascale Coissard, tells us about the situation experienced by many refugees and the task carried out by her organisation to defend their rights.

Maria Lucuy - Photo: Joan Rosinach

We engage in a conversation with the woman in charge of the educational programmes at CEMSE, a Bolivian organization that, together with other organizations, has set up a pioneering project to prevent violence in classrooms.

Eduard Vallory

Do scout groups educate? Do they indoctrinate? Are scout groups a space for the upper and middle classes and are they unable to accommodate families living in less favourable social and economic situations? The expert in education Eduard Vallory goes through the current challenges of scouting.

Isabel Baixeras, the legal expert who drafted the injunction

Stop Mare Mortum, and Isabel Baixeras at the helm, demands that the Spanish Government adopts precautionary measures to guarantee the relocations imposed from Brussels before the month of September.

Jose Peñín, Communications Manager of SOS Racisme Catalunya. Photo: Youtube

SOS Racisme Catalunya takes care of the people who experience racism and helps them to report those situations with campaigns aimed at generating awareness.

Jelen Amador / Photo: Gencat

Jelen Amador, a 27-year-old PhD student, is a member of the Drom association, aiming to promote access to university for the Roma community by giving informative sessions in high schools.

Two volunteers from Fundació Enllaç / Photo: Fundació Enllaç

The Administration Officer from the Fundació Enllaç tells us about the organisation’s task in raising awareness among the population of the situation lived by elderly people or those facing the risk of exclusion in the LGBTI community.

Manuel Fernández Echepares, president of CampusRom / Photo: CampusRom

Since last summer, Roma people trying to access higher education have a mutual support network: CampusRom. We interview the network’s president, Manual Fernández Echepares.

