Our authors

Daniel Ferrer

Daniel Ferrer

Degree in Sociology. Postgraduate course in Management of non-profit organisations. Working in European projects and social innovation since 2010.

Author's articles

What skills does a leader in the third sector NOT need?

We move away from a personalistic approach to a leader towards a model of shared leadership integrated into the team, and this lower the pressure that is placed on a leader.

European-style networking?

Networking is deeply integrated into European Union's DNA. Daniel Ferrer shares with us some thoughts on how it's developed in the non-profit sector.

Latest opinions

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed wage and severance theft in the garment industry, leaving thousands of workers unpaid. Major brands, including Adidas, refuse to take responsibility, despite owing millions. A coalition of labor rights groups proposes a Severance Guarantee Fund to protect workers. Without urgent action, future crises will leave workers just as vulnerable.

Every 12 minutes, a girl dies as a direct result of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). That’s 5 girls in an hour, 120 girls a day, 44,320 girls every year. These are not just numbers—they represent real lives, dreams and futures lost to a practice without a medical purpose.

A bridge of cultures: travels, learning, and commitment to Senegal.