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Danielle Johnson-Vermenton

Danielle Johnson-Vermenton

Speaker, blogger, author and passionate fundraiser.  She is a Principal Consultant at Blackbaud and has helped hundreds of organizations in the US and Canada raise millions online.

Author's articles

Donor retention starts at home

What makes a good donor retention? Danielle Johnson-Vermenton shares her knowledge with us through this opinion article.

Latest opinions

At the start of the new legislative term, let's review the challenges we will face regarding public transport in the coming years.

What is happening with water? Short answer: Many things. Are we facing a major crisis? Short answer: Yes. Is there a solution? Short answer: Yes.

Basic Income is the recognition of the value of life and the construction of economic freedom. An income for everyone that guarantees the basics and that, clearly, improves emotional well-being and does not discourage work.