Our authors

Irene Borràs

Irene Borràs

Economist, consultant and trainer. Director of CAUSES that change the world.

Author's articles

Future challenges: beyond the cause itself

Today is always the most complicated moment, because it is what we have to manage. But just by looking at this today, we can identify large blocks of work that entities should put on the table to improve and have a future.

Fundraising in the agenda of non-profit organizations

One fact that strikes me about the non-profit sector is the little relevance (initially!) that is given to money. A group of people identify a social need and starts doing things. At a given time, they suddenly realise that to carry out all they have planned they need… money!

Latest opinions

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed wage and severance theft in the garment industry, leaving thousands of workers unpaid. Major brands, including Adidas, refuse to take responsibility, despite owing millions. A coalition of labor rights groups proposes a Severance Guarantee Fund to protect workers. Without urgent action, future crises will leave workers just as vulnerable.

Every 12 minutes, a girl dies as a direct result of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). That’s 5 girls in an hour, 120 girls a day, 44,320 girls every year. These are not just numbers—they represent real lives, dreams and futures lost to a practice without a medical purpose.

A bridge of cultures: travels, learning, and commitment to Senegal.