Our authors

Maria Creixell

Maria Creixell

Journalist and activist. Using communications for social change. After many years as a news journalist, now I choose activism and learning from others to explain the different realities that compose the world. 

Author's articles

Time to decide. Leave no one behind!

We believe the pandemic has shown the big gap most of the european countries have regarding human rights and has made visible all the inequality that the system has fostered and taken advantage of for years.

We choose not to remain silent

In Italy, Spain and other countries we see racist and xenophobic speeches and policies rising, aggressions and violence against migrant people and activists being normalized… just like we are back to our darkest times.

Latest opinions

"Many schools do not have adequate resources to address the diversity and specific needs of individual students."

What are the socio-environmental impacts of the clothes we wear? Do we know the path it takes to reach us and where it ends up once we launch it?

For some people in vulnerable situations, the arrival of Christmas can become a bitter period that further accentuates the social and economic inequalities they are experiencing.