Our authors

Neus Pociello

Neus Pociello

Director of the Aroa Foundation and coordinator of the Fem_EU campaign.

Author's articles

A Feminist Europe?

We need a Feminist Europe that will safeguard the human rights of women, because we are persons, with the right to live our lives freely, free of violence and in a society where everyone has equal opportunities and free of privileges.

Latest opinions

At the start of the new legislative term, let's review the challenges we will face regarding public transport in the coming years.

What is happening with water? Short answer: Many things. Are we facing a major crisis? Short answer: Yes. Is there a solution? Short answer: Yes.

Basic Income is the recognition of the value of life and the construction of economic freedom. An income for everyone that guarantees the basics and that, clearly, improves emotional well-being and does not discourage work.