
Verònica González: "We cannot continue wasting water and expect a miracle to end the drought"

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    Verònica González is a staunch environmental activist and is now a member of Rebellion and Extinction Barcelona.
    Verònica González is a staunch environmental activist and is now a member of Rebellion and Extinction Barcelona. Source: Verònica González
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    Extinction Rebellion organized an action to denounce the serious drought situation and the lack of solutions. Source: Extinction Rebellion Barcelona
    Extinction Rebellion organized an action to denounce the serious drought situation and the lack of solutions. Source: Extinction Rebellion Barcelona Source: Extinction Rebellion
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    The so-called water brigade, with an altarpiece of the Moreneta at the forefront, paraded through the Rambla of Barcelona.
    The so-called water brigade, with an altarpiece of the Moreneta at the forefront, paraded through the Rambla of Barcelona. Source: Extinction Rebellion

The Extinction Rebellion activist in Barcelona demands urgent action and fundamental measures to address the serious drought situation and the climate emergency we are facing.

Last Saturday, April 20th, the Rambla in Barcelona was the scene of a unique procession. The so-called water brigade, with an altarpiece of the Moreneta leading the way, paraded through the artery of the Catalan capital in a performance by the climate activist movement Extinction Rebellion Barcelona, organized within the framework of the campaign 'D'on no n'hi ha no en raja', promoted by a group of social and environmental organizations in response to the drought situation in Catalonia.

Extinction Rebellion aimed to thus denounce the connection between the serious drought situation and the climate emergency, to highlight the mismanagement by governments and administrations, and to reject the "false promises" that attempt to hide the reality.

We spoke with Verònica González, an environmentalist and member of the Barcelona group of Extinction Rebellion, who has a long history as an environmental activist, in large entities such as Greenpeace, but also in smaller groups such as the Coordinator for the Protection of Montseny or the Civic Platform for the Defense of Collserola, among others.

Why a procession with the Moreneta to denounce the serious drought situation we are experiencing in Catalonia?

We organized this performance because we found out that in 2008, and more recently in 2018, during previous drought episodes, political leaders addressed the Moreneta and prayed for rain to end the drought. We believe that the job of politicians and administrations should not be to wait for a miracle but to govern and act, to represent us and to safeguard the interests of the population.

Droughts are not a matter of providence...

Certainly not. We are clear that this issue is closely connected to climate change. While it is true that the Mediterranean region has always been characterized by periods of drought, it is also true that the climate emergency has increased the frequency, duration, and severity of these episodes. This trend will worsen if there is no profound change in society on a global scale.

We need a change in how we manage water.

What we need to do is better manage water resources so that water continues to reach the entire population because it is essential to remember that it is a fundamental right of all people. And ultimately, it is the population, especially the most vulnerable, who suffer the most from the lack of water during these drought episodes. If we manage this resource well and prioritize its uses, it can reach everyone, but, I insist, a profound change and a change of model are needed.

"The drought episodes will worsen if there is not a profound change in society on a global scale."

This is what you wanted to highlight with Saturday's action.

Exactly, the message of the performance with the Moreneta is that we cannot continue wasting water and expecting a miracle to end the drought, but rather to start doing the job well and adapt to the context we have to solve this situation as best as possible.

Beyond that, in the manifesto you read, you also criticized techno-optimism, which sees technology as the solution to all problems.

With the technology we already have today and that continues to develop, there is the idea or confidence that if we increase efficiency, we will consume fewer resources and fossil fuels, but that is not the case. First, it should be noted that these technologies also have their impacts, and furthermore, in any process where efficiency has been improved thanks to technological progress, what the industry has done is produce more and more. It has not been used to reduce the pace and excessive consumption. In the context of drought, an issue that clearly exemplifies this is the measure of desalination plants announced by the Government.

How can we get out of this deadlock?

A major agreement among policymakers is essential to opt for a change of model. Politicians tell us they are concerned about this issue and will implement measures against climate change and to reduce water consumption, but the reality is that it is not being done. We need to be clear and transparent about how much water we have, how much we consume, and what restrictive measures we apply.

The population is already suffering from these restrictions.

It's because we can't apply them only to the population. It's not just about imposing on people to turn off the tap and imposing more and more limits on us. There are towns where there is not enough water in the wells and it doesn't come out of the tap, and that cannot be, we need to tackle the root of the problem.

"It's not just about imposing on people to turn off the tap, we need to tackle the root of the problem."

And to act in other areas as well.

For example, in the livestock sector. The focus continues to be on intensive agriculture and livestock farming, and this is not just a problem in Catalonia, but throughout the country. We continue to create large-scale farms not only to meet the demand for meat here but also to export it, as is also the case with fruits and vegetables. We say that part of the solution is to prioritize extensive agriculture and livestock farming, the traditional way, and to promote regenerative agriculture, for example.

Is the current tourism model also part of the problem?

It is very necessary to put a stop to mass tourism, which also generates many other problems in different areas, such as housing, to name one. We also cannot continue making decisions like expanding the airport or the port, or insisting on large complexes like the Hard Rock. Measures can be taken, such as raising taxes on the aviation sector, which is highly polluting and promotes this model of mass tourism.

This change cannot be just at the local level.

We must be aware that we are facing a problem of global scope, and therefore the change must be general, especially in Western societies, the main responsible for everything that is happening.

We are working to change things at the local level and set an example for other countries, but no matter how well we do it, if the rest does not change, the effects of climate change will continue the same. That's why Extinction Rebellion is also a movement that spreads to many countries around the world. We trust that together, and with the rest of the organizations and entities with whom we share objectives, we can change things.

Citizen participation is also important, for example through tools like the Citizens' Assembly for Climate.

Involving citizens is always important, not only in the issue of the climate emergency but also in many other problems that affect us as a society. And instruments like the assembly should be the way to do it. We believe that citizens should be more represented and more effectively in political decisions and governance.

In this sense, the Catalan Assembly for Eco-Social Transition is also underway, where many citizens participate individually and many organizations, platforms, and entities participate. These tools should serve to pressure the political class to undertake these changes and act as our true representatives. From Extinction Rebellion, we want to inspire citizens to join this movement. Change is possible if we all participate.

How important is activism in this fight?

We think it is essential, and what we regret is that sometimes we find that more people are not involved. In the issue of the climate crisis, as in many others, if citizens demand changes and these do not occur through the system we have, which basically limits itself to voting every four years, what is needed is mobilization.

This is how big changes happen.

There are studies that show that all the important changes that have been achieved throughout history have been thanks to the mobilization and activism of citizens. Always, it is non-violent popular movements that have achieved better results and have been more successful. Without citizen pressure, there will be no changes.

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