
Adriana Ribas

To reach a better, fairer, and more sustainable future, the European Union must place human rights first and at the heart of its debates and actions. 

"We call for a Europe that prioritizes reception and protection, ensuring medical assistance, ending violence along borders, establishing a...

Òscar Camps

"We demand an answer and accountability for this unacceptable attack and call on the international community to double its efforts to protect...

Eva Palasí

We claim and bet, so that all children and adolescents, regardless of their social class or the socio-economic and cultural reality of their...

Lorraine Leete

Lorraine Leete, defender of the rights of migrants and refugees and coordinator of Legal Center Lasvos, denounces the treatment towards...

Esteban Marín Pérez

Innovate in the democratization of culture not only as a tool for access to it, but to strengthen capacities and faculties in the citizenry...

Jackie Mellese

Jackie Mellese (communication manager, Mental Health Europe), highlights the importance of reducing discrimination and stigma...