Our authors

Alba Segura

Alba Segura

Technician in the environmental education and volunteering area at the Emys Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to nature conservation, particularly wetland areas and the European pond turtle.

Author's articles

Nature and Childhood: Nature Conservation as an Asset for Health and the Fulfillment of Children's Rights

The natural environment and environmental factors are key aspects for improving health, which must be promoted and ensured for both personal enjoyment and that of future generations.

Latest opinions

Every 12 minutes, a girl dies as a direct result of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). That’s 5 girls in an hour, 120 girls a day, 44,320 girls every year. These are not just numbers—they represent real lives, dreams and futures lost to a practice without a medical purpose.

A bridge of cultures: travels, learning, and commitment to Senegal.

Social, responsible, local, sustainable... the banking sector constantly seeks adjectives to cleanse a deservedly tarnished public image. But... what do we find when we examine its practices?