Our authors

Antoni Lluch

Antoni Lluch

Social educator. He currently works as a social project consultant in the Department of Consulting and Studies of the Fundació Pere Tarrés.

Author's articles

January: it’s time for annual reports

This shouldn’t be seen as a mere procedural step to meet the obligations set forth in our bylaws and our duties with the public administrations. it is rather an opportunity to reflect on how the organisation is doing, the lessons learnt and to start the new year with new challenges. 

Latest opinions

In just over a year, families, professionals, and public opinion have converged on a single demand: postponing the arrival of the smartphone until the end of adolescence.

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 and serves to focus people's attention on the importance of freshwater for people's lives, forcing us to think socially about the sustainable management we must do of it.

“To guarantee the continuity of the sector, it is essential that institutions and society as a whole promote training and support programs for new artisans.”