Our authors

Eduard Balsebre

Eduard Balsebre

Eduard Balsebre (Barcelona, 1965). Philologist and blogger, he develops his professional life between international cooperation and the management of cultural and social activities. 


Author's articles

How a small NGO contributes to the improvement of a rural area in El Salvador

Huacal started as a group of women who went on a holiday trip to El Salvador. During their stay, these women couldn’t help but notice how much help the population living in rural areas needed. 

Latest opinions

A bridge of cultures: travels, learning, and commitment to Senegal.

Social, responsible, local, sustainable... the banking sector constantly seeks adjectives to cleanse a deservedly tarnished public image. But... what do we find when we examine its practices?

What are the socio-environmental impacts of the clothes we wear? Do we know the path it takes to reach us and where it ends up once we launch it?