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Leena Ylä-Mononen

Leena Ylä-Mononen

Executive Director, European Environment Agency.

Author's articles

Time to speed up towards a sustainable and resilient Europe

Europe’s economy and wellbeing of its citizens depend crucially on a healthy and resilient natural environment, a stable climate and long-term sustainable use of resources. As Europe’s new policy cycle begins, Commission President-elect’s political guidelines and mission letters to future Commissioners reaffirm the course towards sustainability, while adding extra focus on competitiveness and security to boost Europe’s resilience to current and future crises.  

Cleaner air, a stable climate and healthier lives

The European Union has made substantial progress in improving air quality by adopting and implementing policies and measures since the 1980s.

From policy ambition to environment and climate action in Europe

Environmental degradation and climate change are impacting us all — our health, economy and society. To address growing challenges and impacts, Europe has set ambitious policies and targets.

Latest opinions

For some people in vulnerable situations, the arrival of Christmas can become a bitter period that further accentuates the social and economic inequalities they are experiencing.

Europe’s economy and wellbeing of its citizens depend crucially on a healthy and resilient natural environment, a stable climate and long-term sustainable use of resources. As Europe’s new policy cycle begins, Commission President-elect’s political guidelines and mission letters to future Commissioners reaffirm the course towards sustainability, while adding extra focus on competitiveness and security to boost Europe’s resilience to current and future crises.  

The natural environment and environmental factors are key aspects for improving health, which must be promoted and ensured for both personal enjoyment and that of future generations.