Our authors

Núria Cuadrat

Núria Cuadrat

Critical and Transformative Education Technician of the Coordinating Organisation of Charitable NGOs of the Girona and Alt Maresme counties.

Author's articles

Bits of peace, the daily DENIP

When January arrives, a curricular campaign comes with it which we have named Dia Escolar de la Noviolència I la Pau (School Day of Nonviolence and Peace), a campaign that many centres understand only as the antithesis of violence and, therefore, of war.

Latest opinions

In just over a year, families, professionals, and public opinion have converged on a single demand: postponing the arrival of the smartphone until the end of adolescence.

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 and serves to focus people's attention on the importance of freshwater for people's lives, forcing us to think socially about the sustainable management we must do of it.

“To guarantee the continuity of the sector, it is essential that institutions and society as a whole promote training and support programs for new artisans.”