Our authors

Piotr Sadowski

Piotr Sadowski

Secretary General of Volonteurope, a European civil society network promoting volunteering, active citizenship and social justice. An economist by degree, he has extensive experience in volunteering and social justice advocacy across Europe, citizen engagement and empowerment, and combating all forms of discrimination.

Author's articles

Present challenges of the voluntary sector in Europe

Volonteurope held its 25th Annual Conference in Nantes, focusing on the theme of “Apathy or Action: Young Europeans Take a Stand”.

Latest opinions

3 out of 10 children and adolescents grow up at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion in our home. The fight against childhood poverty is not only a matter of social justice and guaranteeing the recognized rights of children. It is also a challenge of collective intelligence. 

Trans people continue to face disproportionate rates of unemployment and job insecurity due to deep-rooted social prejudices and stigmas.

It is more necessary than ever to commit to multilateralism, dialogue, and the reduction of global military spending in order to address the escalation of global conflict.