Our authors

Rosa Garcia

Rosa Garcia

Degree in Biology, PhD in Education for Sustainability and Research Member of the Emergent Complex Research Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Author's articles

Phasing out plastic is everyone’s responsibility

Growing awareness on this issue must become a turning point that allows us to effectively materialize a reduction in single-use plastics. Now, more than ever before, we need all social and economic agents to act responsibly to deal with this plastic pandemic.

Latest opinions

At the start of the new legislative term, let's review the challenges we will face regarding public transport in the coming years.

What is happening with water? Short answer: Many things. Are we facing a major crisis? Short answer: Yes. Is there a solution? Short answer: Yes.

Basic Income is the recognition of the value of life and the construction of economic freedom. An income for everyone that guarantees the basics and that, clearly, improves emotional well-being and does not discourage work.