
ARTaboo, community art and social inclusion

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    A young girl working in the project.   Source: Ajuntament de Sant Boi
    A young girl working in the project. Source: Ajuntament de Sant Boi
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    The mental health institution in Sant Boi.   Source: Ajuntament de Sant Boi
    The mental health institution in Sant Boi. Source: Ajuntament de Sant Boi

Youths from four European countries will paint a collective work of urban art dedicated to mental diseases.

Social inclusion through a community urban art project. This is the goal of ARTaboo, an initiative of a group of youths working in urban art in their countries of origin who are participating in the European Erasmus+ programme, thanks to which they got to know of each other and set this idea into motion.

The participants come from the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden and Catalonia, and have chosen the Catalan town of Sant Boi for this youth exchange called ARTaboo, to take place from 2nd to 10th July.

The project is to change the views of society on urban art, which is often questioned or stigmatized. How? By creating a work of urban art with the collaboration of neighbours who want to join in, and connected the mental health institution in Sant Boi with the rest of the town. The theme of the work of art will be mental diseases and the taboos they face.

The novelty of this initiative, beyond its goal, is that it will count with the extra collaboration of young artists coming from other European countries. And this is precisely one of the goals of the Erasmus+ programme, to encourage all sorts of initiatives to build international collaboration networks.

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