mental health

The Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation offers accommodation resources and support to refugees or asylum seekers.

We speak with Núria Moya, co-responsible for the International Protection area of ​​the Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation, about how refugees are currently received in Catalonia, which needs are met and which are not.


Jackie Mellese (communication manager, Mental Health Europe), highlights the importance of reducing discrimination and stigma associated with mental ill-health.

Many studies point at stress as a risk factor for developing a mental disorder. 

The silence that surrounds suicidal behaviour has contributed to ignorance and stigma being the usual way of dealing with this tragic situation.

According to Romera, addictions right now are related to screens, social media, food and energy drinks.

The organisation, which is active in the municipalities of Badalona and Santa Coloma de Gramenet, works at a community level to prevent and support drug users.

October 10 is International Mental Health Day.

Mental health activists shared with us what people living with someone with a mental disorder can do.

Yoga Teacher Training in South Africa.

Yoga Sin Fronteras opens an international cooperation course of action with Yoga Teacher Training for vulnerable groups to ensure the sustainability of the project and improve the social impact in the communities.

L'Olivera produces wines and oils promoting the employment of people with disabilities. Source:

The lack of public transport, geographic isolation and the loss of inhabitants causes many organizations being discriminated in obtaining public resources.

Mental health in Bluefields, Nicaragua

This project deals with giving attention to mental health and additions in Bluefields, in the territory of the Autonomous Region of the South Atlantic.

A young girl working in the project.   Source: Ajuntament de Sant Boi

Youths from four European countries will paint a collective work of urban art dedicated to mental diseases.

Frame from the Mental Health Europe video. Image: MHE

MHE present a new video on Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the right to work.
