The survey is open to participation until December 3rd and aims to map innovative social service initiatives.
The project BuiCaSuS aims to learn more about the social innovation ecosystem in several EU countries. To make this possible, two separate forms have been developed to gather experiences on innovation for social services and best practices to support and catalyse change towards a more sustainable society.
This European project, led by the Spanish Secretariat for Social Rights, is a consortium with France, Latvia and Sweden. The initiative is framed within the EU’s wish to promote the concept and practice of social innovation for the implementation of the European Social Fund. The project also includes a space to meet and exchange and harness support for initiatives and practices.
With this survey, the project aims to make a mapping that will lead to the creation of a National Competence Center for Social Innovation. The mapping includes social, personalized and support services for people who strengthen their autonomy.
This survey is the first phase of a larger process that aims to generate a list of innovative social initiatives. The second phase will explore these initiatives and the third, and final phase of the project, will conduct case studies with some of these initiatives.
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