Physical and mental exercise and socialization are pillars for a healthy, active and quality old age.
Active aging is not only beneficial on a physical level, to ensure the maintenance of health in advanced stages of life. Active aging means doing so by avoiding sedentary behaviors that tend to be influenced and at the same time foster circumstances such as unwanted loneliness. It involves leading a lifestyle outside the home, as much as possible, creating networks and nurturing personal relationships , things that sometimes seem, erroneously, to have lost importance in old age.
In order to build active habits in old age, there are some recommendations that organizations for and by the elderly can convey to the people they work with. There are also many public resources that these people can turn to to maintain a lifestyle that is active, lively, and rich in experiences and relationships.
Below are some of these resources and advice. The document '12 recommendations for active aging' , from Barcelona City Council, was used to write this resource.
What does 'active aging' mean?
The concept of 'active aging' refers to the motivation of older people to have a daily life that offers the optimal use of opportunities to do things that interest them and help them stay active, always according to their needs, abilities and aspirations.
The activities that can be carried out at advanced ages are necessary for this group because they will allow these people to participate in their families and communities , while developing physical and mental tasks that, among other things, will positively influence the prevention of diseases and disabilities.
Before thinking about doing any activity to maintain an active life, people of all ages need to have healthy eating habits that allow them to carry out these activities. It is advisable to eat four to six meals a day, which include five servings of fruits and vegetables, and limit the consumption of red meat and sausages.
Also, and especially in the case of older people, it is recommended to ingest calcium daily (through milk, yogurts or cheeses) and cook with little salt . Finally, the importance of drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day is emphasized, and alcohol consumption is minimized.
Physical exercise
In general, there are three types of physical exercise that everyone should do, including the elderly, although in the latter case it may need to be adapted. They are flexibility, cardiovascular exercise and muscle strengthening. Cardiovascular exercise can be a light or moderate activity such as walking, swimming, climbing stairs, cycling, dancing... And it should be done about five times a week in order to improve heart and respiratory rate.
Muscle strengthening exercises can prevent or delay the loss of muscle mass that occurs with age, allowing people to maintain an active lifestyle and even increase metabolism. For these activities, moderate or no weight can be used, repeating the same movements about two or three times a week .
Finally, flexibility exercises will help the body relax after other activities, reducing the risk of injury and even stimulating tendons and joints.
Using the mind
The lack of memory and mental agility has less to do with age than with lack of training . As the years go by, it often happens that people leave aside some activities that used to stimulate them mentally due to fatigue. Thus, it is advisable for older people to incorporate some habits that will allow them to recover a large part of these abilities : reading every day, continuing to learn things, playing board games, doing crossword puzzles...
Personal relationships and socialization
Loneliness can affect people's health, even when it is their own decision. Personal relationships are essential for a healthy life, and can be a source of motivation and new experiences , at any age. However, these relationships need to be cared for, dedicated to time and effort, and shown interest.
In this sense, doing group activities , signing up for civic clubs, visiting the sports center, or simply going to a terrace to have a coffee, are actions that can greatly improve a person's life. It's about participating in the world around you , doing activities with other people, or just spending time talking about the weather or what's on television.
Going outside
Doing the activities mentioned above will be of little use if the person does not leave their home. To exercise you need to go outside, and to talk to people and do activities, too. Apart from that, however, getting used to going out for a walk around your own neighborhood or city is a highly recommended habit, precisely because it allows you to discover new opportunities while soaking up the sun and getting some fresh air.
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