Newsletter No. 20

Thursday, 11 January 2018 - No. 20
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

Ciara Herity, manager of the Sligo Volunteer Centre, talks about her experience as 2017 European Volunteering Capital.

An international movement of organizations and associations aiming to reconnect children and nature. They are supported by the Children&Nature Network, co-founded by Richard Louv.

weSAVEeat brings shops and users together in order to sell the surplus of the day at cheaper prices.

The Slovak city has been chosen, ahead of the other two finalists, Augsburg in Germany and Cascais in Portugal.

The international human rights organisation denounces European governments as supportive of exploitation and smuggling of refugees in Libya.

The website's aim is to raise awareness among citizens and collect donations to send them to disadvantaged countries where they help to develop their projects.


David Martí talks about Frederic Laloux's book, 'Reinventing organizations' and how organizations that base their model on just three basic principles: self-responsibility, plenitude and an evolutionary purpose, are possible.

A broader collaboration among non-profit organisations and companies often leads the latter to support the causes defended by the former, providing greater support for organisations’ projects and actions and, especially, a greater impact.

We are breaching a long list of rights to people who are sleeping on the streets. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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