Newsletter No. 26

Tuesday, 03 July 2018 - No. 26
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

We talk to the newly-created Berlin human tower group and the consolidated “Kangaroos” in Sydney on how it feels to live away from home.

They exist since 1999 and they are a good example of integrating association, especially for migrants and expats.

The European Association for Mental Health in Intellectual Disability (EAMHID) chooses Barcelona as host city for a Congress that will take place from the 23rd to the 25th of May in 2019.

Our protagonist is 31 years old, was born in Sierra Leone and is a LGBTI advocate and activist. Because of the threats in his country, he was forced to seek refuge in Spain.

A European law is going to ban single-use plastics with the aim to have 55% of recycled or reusable packing by 2030.

This educational project brings local community closer to their unique natural heritage through field activities and teachers' trainings.


Although the issue of refugees is more present today than in 2015, it still goes unnoticed, and only hits the headlines when many people die, or to stir up a controversy.

Rijeka will be the European Capital of Culture in 2020 and it is seen as an opportunity to secure a lasting legacy of volunteers in many fields of culture and cultural heritage. 

The Migration, Gender and Development Network in Barcelona is an initiative of Migrant Feminists who live in the city. Next September we’ll open a permanent school on Decolonial Feminsim. We use the feminist space of Ca la Dona, but the school will be outside of it. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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