Newsletter No. 84

Tuesday, 04 July 2023 - No. 84
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

Climate migration is a concept being used more and more often, but applying for refuge based on this reason is not yet envisaged as a possibility and, in fact, it is complicated to justify migration based on this.

Adam Jacovou,Türkiye Country Director for Project HOPE reminds us of the still significant need of intervention to the ones who still suffer from the consequences of the earthquake.

Clúid Housing and the housing associations model of Ireland: Promoting community-based housing solutions.

Forty-five organizations from across the state have joined forces to create the Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, which demands that the Spanish Government adheres to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Advocacy organizations for the rights of refugees are wary of the first step of the Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union, agreed upon by European interior ministers.

The Catalan Commission for Action for Refugees (CCAR) demands more commitment from Spain in the protection of people who are persecuted in their countries of origin or residence.


Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to support nonprofit organizations can be challenging due to the unique nature of the problems they address.

"Today, leaving the nightmare behind, we see the merit of having been 'socially creative' but we also realize the cost of having stretched the seams of the teams we worked with so much"

Greenwashing has been increasingly in the firing line of NGOs, journalists and more recently regulators and lawyers across Europe. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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