
Elaboration of the "arrugats" in the El Rosal biscuit factory.

Catalan biscuit manufacturer El Rosal in Tàrrega has become international by selling its biscuits in 25 gourmet food stores in Belgium with a team of 10 people at risk of social exclusion and with difficulties.

Sexual harassment at work is recognized in international law as a form of male violence.

By raising awareness among staff and providing tools to unit directors and HR staff to detect, prevent and deal with cases, the project seeks to boost the culture of zero tolerance with sexual harassment.

Image of air pollution

The Air Quality Conference will take place on October 24 and 25, 2019, at the federal level in Fira Sabadell, holding a key role in combatting atmospheric pollution.

#WeAreMore is an anti-racist European campaign.

#WeAreMore wants to stop the rise of the extreme right and conquer civil and political rights, such as the right to vote for immigrants.

Currently, there are about 110.000 .cat domains

The registry that manages the .cat Foundation is the first worldwide domain that represents language and culture on the Internet.

Most international volunteer programs come from Europe and the United States.

There are many international volunteer organizations that range from university-run programs in the United States, volunteering and tourism, to United Nations projects.

Anaïs Franquesa is a criminal lawyer specializing in human rights and social movements.

The spokesperson of the International Trial Watch Platform, created to handle the presence of experts on human and procedural rights in the trial of 1-O, says that prestigious organizations evaluate whether the process is done with guarantees.

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, independent expert from the UN. Photo: Wikipedia

Alfred de Zayas has called on Spanish authorities to negotiate with Catalan leaders. He has criticised in his own words the retrogression in human rights protection after the measures taken. 


The country I’m talking of, with just over 7 million inhabitants, will hold a referendum to decide its future on the 1st of October this year, and in all likelihood, will offer its letter of presentation as a new State in Europe.

Isabel Baixeras, the legal expert who drafted the injunction

Stop Mare Mortum, and Isabel Baixeras at the helm, demands that the Spanish Government adopts precautionary measures to guarantee the relocations imposed from Brussels before the month of September.

Jelen Amador / Photo: Gencat

Jelen Amador, a 27-year-old PhD student, is a member of the Drom association, aiming to promote access to university for the Roma community by giving informative sessions in high schools.

BookAndRoses. Image: BookAndRoses

23 April is UNESCO World Book and Sant Jordi (Saint George’s Day), the love and literature day massively celebrated all over Catalonia. Many groups of Catalan people living abroad are organizing different non-profit activities.

