
CATESCO, Catalonia for Education Science and culture Organization, was created in 1985.

The CATESCO Projects technique explains the main objectives of the organization and highlights the presence of Catalonia in UNESCO to ensure that it is recognized for its expertise while establishing synergies with other territories.


"We will continue working to show the European Parliament that our independence and autonomy as people should not be limited"

Marta Campo, responsible for communication and project management of the Catalan Autism Federation.

Marta Campo, responsible for communication and project management of the Catalan Autism Federation, highlights the collaboration between the different European countries to achieve improvements and social recognition for people with autism.

Enric Fabra i Monné , Technical Secretary of COHABITAC - Coordinator of foundations promoting and managing social rental housing in Catalonia.

Enric Fabra, coordinator of foundations that promote and manage social rental housing in Catalonia, explains to us what they do in their organization, highlighting the influence of other European countries to offer prices and housing that meet the real capabilities of the population.

Ursula von der Leyen, Mark Rutte, Giorgia Meloni and Kaïs Saïed, during the signing of the agreement. Source: Twitter @vonderleyen

Human rights defender organizations criticize the Brussels pact and the Tunisian government for abandoning hundreds of sub-Saharan refugees at the borders with Libya and Algeria.

Trans Advocacy Week delegates and organizers with UNAIDS Gender Equality, Human Rights and Community Engagement team.

UN Trans Advocacy Week 2023 concludes after bringing 14 trans activists to the United Nations on the occasion of the Human Rights Council.

The new migration regulation that is key to completing a new Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union (EU).

Advocacy organizations for the rights of refugees are wary of the first step of the Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union, agreed upon by European interior ministers.

The Carabutsí association team after the shadow theater performance.

Social organizations from all over Europe have participated in this project aimed at young workers.

The Council of Europe.

ILGA complains that the complexity of diplomatic relations in the European Union makes it difficult to comply with human rights, and ECRI collects in a report the situation in Hungary.

The act of the European Capital of Democracy at Barcelona City Hall.

The city has been selected by a jury of more than 2,500 European citizens and a jury of experts among the finalists, out of thirteen candidates presented.


How do the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe respond to the needs of citizens wishing to take part in a spirit of solidarity and engage in volunteering projects/initiatives for the sake of contribution to the post-COVID19 recovery and overall resilience and defence of EU Values?


Jackie Mellese (communication manager, Mental Health Europe), highlights the importance of reducing discrimination and stigma associated with mental ill-health.

