human righs

Hibai Arbide is a lawyer who practiced in Barcelona until he moved to Greece to work as a journalist and he has now specialized in the far-right movements.

He is a lawyer who practiced in Barcelona until he moved to Greece to work as a journalist and he has now specialized in the far-right movements.

One of the refugee camps in Mail is on top of a landfill.

The Associació Catalana per la Pau is carrying out an emergency campaign to improve the sanitary and nutritional conditions of the population.

The Babel Foundation is working to educate children in Senegal.

During the crisis of the Covid-19, the entity wants to ensure the maintenance of the teachers’ job posts in Kalasans School, Dakar.

More than 620 murders of activist people in Colombia

The assassinated social leaders were part of peasant organizations, indigenous, Afro-descendent, environmental, and communal communities.

The Foro Penal Internacional denounces that every month the number of people taken by political causes increases.

The associations are "overwhelmed" by the avalanche of requests for assistance that are the result of the mass exodus of the country's population.

Bayt-al-Thaqafa, commitment to generate knowledge and recognition of religious diversity.

Bayt al-Thaqafa’s membership recruitment manager denounces the human tragedy and rights violation behind the ‘refugee crisis’.

Refugees in the Serbian and Hungarian fence

More than 70 walls, on all continents, destroy lives by violating the most fundamental rights of people with complete impunity.

The collective with intellectual disability is one of the most marginalized in the world, according to WHO

In the world, there are more than 1.000 million people living with some type of disability, a figure that represents 15% of the total population. Prevalence is still greatest in developing countries.

Flooding in Southeast Asia. Photo: Wikimedia

Monsoon rains have caused up to 1,200 deaths and the injury of thousands of people in Southeast Asia.

