humanitarian aid

The tsunami has destroyed hundreds of houses causing the affected population to have moved.

The natural catastrophe happened last December 22 on the coast of the Sonda Strait, between the islands of Java and Sumatra.

Since 2015, Yemen has been declared a civil war.

The blockade of the country by the United States, Europe, Saudi Arabia and the UAE causes more than 21 million people to need urgent help and one child dies every 10 minutes, 144 per day.

Farmamundi's health campaign in Kenya.

More than a third of world's population has no access to essential medicines, while less than 20% of the population consumes 80% of the drugs produced on the planet.

Rohingnya protesters. Photo: Andrew Mercer, Flickr

Myanmar authorities’ restrictions in Rakhine state are putting tens of thousands of lives at risk in the Rohingya region. 

Hurricane shot. Photo: Wikimedia

Some organisations are giving support after the disaster by distributing food, water and other facilities to affected areas. 

Poverty image. Photo: Pixabay

Fundraising campaigns often use photos and themes that conjure up images of horror and destruction. But where do we draw the line between appealing to our emotions and the so-called “poverty porn”?

