
Almudena Barbero works in South Sudan developing projects with children and education.

Almudena Barbero, the president of Nzuri Daima Foundation has been working for three years in one of the most conflictive areas in South Sudan, a territory marked by hunger and child suicide.

Laia Bernués, territorial delegate of AFEV Barcelona. Photo: AFEV Barcelona

The enTàndem project creates links between university volunteering and children at risk of social exclusion with the aim of encouraging children’s autonomy and self-esteem. 

Xavier Costa on the right side. Photo: Vols

The NGO Vols is a volunteering association for cooperation and solidarity with children and youth in developing countries. Their working scope is mainly education.

Jose Peñín, Communications Manager of SOS Racisme Catalunya. Photo: Youtube

SOS Racisme Catalunya takes care of the people who experience racism and helps them to report those situations with campaigns aimed at generating awareness.

David Forniès, head of Knowledge at CIEMEN. Photo: CIEMEN

CIEMEN works to raise awareness and promote the Catalan national reality in the world, to spread knowledge about stateless peoples and also to defend their rights.
