
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, independent expert from the UN. Photo: Wikipedia

Alfred de Zayas has called on Spanish authorities to negotiate with Catalan leaders. He has criticised in his own words the retrogression in human rights protection after the measures taken. 

Ican campaign members celebrating the award. Photo: Youtube

Fundipau and the Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace are the two Catalan NGOs out of the 468 international institutions taking part of the international campaign.


In a time when the world is balancing on a knife-edge, and the possibility of nuclear conflict appears to be more likely, it may seem that efforts to work towards peace are futile.  

Imagining the future. Photo: Pexels

The Imagine All the People project is aiming a world living in peace without possessions, religions and countries to be achieved in 2222. 

Worker suffering slavery conditions. Photo: 50 for Freedom

The International Labour Organisation launches an initiative to raise awareness.


At the threshold of the implementation of the Colombian peace agreement between the Government and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) after a 50-year long armed conflict, the future of the country is full of hope, but also of uncertainty.


Recently was the 80th anniversary of the coup that marked the beginning of a terrible civil war in Spain and then a dictatorship that lasted 36 years.


Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand and Portugal are at the top of rank in the 2016 Global Peace Index.

