
The European Union has made substantial progress in improving air quality by adopting and implementing policies and measures since the 1980s.


The lifespan of a plastic bag is short and has a huge environmental impact. On average they are used for 12 minutes and are then left to decompose, often polluting the land or water. For Zero Waste Barcelona the solution is simple: reuse them.

Most of plastic packaging is not recycled.
Organizations and public administrations have an important role to play in reducing the consumption of plastics on a local scale, from public procurement to the promotion of infrastructures for local consumption.
Plastic is increasingly invading more and more parts of our daily lives, especially in the packaging of all grocery stores.

Further steps need to be applied by the authorities in order to protect citizens’ health from traffic pollution.


From 24 to 26 May there will be a new edition of a campaign to clean up around 1,500 beaches in more than 20 countries around the Mediterranean.

Colorful plastic straws on a glass container. Photo: Pexels

Global movements around the world strive to educate the public about the consequences of single use plastic, highlighting its effects on our health, our environment and our oceans.
